Reference Guides
Reference Guides
Ryzom Core Guide
Welcome to the Guide!
Developer guide
- Building Ryzom Core on GNU/Linux
- Configuring and running Ryzom Core Server on GNU/Linux
- Building Ryzom Core on Windows
- Building Ryzom Core on Mac OS X
System Documentation
User guide
- Ryzom Core Features
- Overview of the Ryzom Core Project Structure
- Architecture of the Ryzom Core Services
- World Editor
- Object Viewer
- Object Viewer Qt (OVQT)
- Georges
- Georges Editor Qt (GEQT)
- Admin
- BNP Manager
- GUI Editor
- Setting up Ryzom studio
- Adding an armor part item ingame (using georges.exe)
- Adding Game Entities (Armors, spell; using raw edit)
- Mapping simple primitives
- Adding quests
- Adding creatures
- Adding guild mission
- Adding in-game titles
- Adding new faction/tribes fames
- Adding camera animations
- /wiki/spaces/RC/pages/9404520
3ds Max
- Installing the Max Plugins
- Importing MAX Assets
- Using MAX Plugins
- Generating Landscape using Heightmaps (Generating landscape zones from a heightmap)
- Creating Landscape Zones using MAX (Creating landscape zones using 3ds Max)
- Converting MAX Assets to COLLADA (Converting 3ds Max assets to Collada)
Community Tutorials
Building new land series
- Creating a New Land (WIP) (Creating new land)
- Building Landscape using the Pipeline (WIP) (Building land created with the world editor using the build pipeline)
- Installing Built Landcapes (Installing land built with the pipeline)
Useful And Miscellaneous Excerpts
- TileBank Chart (TileBank Chart)
- Landscape Texture Constraints
- Anatomy of a Tree (Anatomy Of A Tree)
- File Conversion Graph
- NeL Tool Gallery (NeL Tool Gallery)
- The BNP Make Frontend
- Building Ryzom MFC Tools with VS Express
- Various Entity Game Service Settings
- Connecting to the Shard From the Internet and LAN
- Ryzom Build Memory Requirements
- Building Object Viewet Qt with STLport on Windows
- Object Viewer QT Stlport Windows
- Landscape irc Info
- Creating and Deploying Patches with Patch Gen
Works in progress
Art-Related Topics
- Creating New Land Files with OVQt
- Creating new particle system with using ovqt (Creating new particle system (using ovqt))
- Creating new microvegetation
Reference Guides
- List of Brick Parameters
- World Editor NPC Documentation
- AI Scripting Overview (for detailed function reference see AI Scripting Native Functions Reference)
- World Sheet Settings
- Creating Named Items
- Ryzom Core Time Units
Other guide