GUI Editor

GUI Editor

( Work in progress )



  • Build and install just like the other Object Viewer Qt ( OVQT ) plug-ins. So build Qt tools, and make install on Unix / run INSTALL project in Visual Studio on Windows.
  • Copy the widgets and project_files directories to your OVQT folder.
  • Start up OVQT.
  • Add your Ryzom client's data directory to in tools – settings – Search recurse paths.



Since individual Ryzom / Nel GUI XML files unusable in themselves ( they inter-depend on each others. In fact there are 3 sets of them, and they are loaded / used as 3 separate units. These can be set in client_default.cfg in the Ryzom directory / folder ), the GUI Editor uses project files, that define a set of XML files that should all be parsed as a unit. It also defines the texture atlas used, and the master group that should be activated ( it's basically a set of widgets that are visible ).

Click File – Open, navigate to the project_files directory you copied during installation, and double-click login.xml.
This is a project file, that defines the XMLs, texture atlas, and master group for the Ryzom login screen.


For now only the login screen is supported from Ryzom, because the character selection screen and the ingame UI have widgets that couldn't yet be moved out of the Ryzom game, due to it being too deeply coupled with it. However it also is worth mentioning that the GUI Editor tool was not meant to be a Ryzom GUI Editor, it was meant as an editor tool for the Nel GUI Library.


If all goes well you should now see the Ryzom login screen in the middle of the screen.
On the left side in the “widget hierarchy” panel you can see the hierarchy of the loaded GUI definition. You can select individual widgets of it by either clicking on them in the middle, or double clicking them in this panel.
On the right side you can see the properties of the currently selected widget. You can modify them, or You can also add / remove widgets as you wish using the menus.
You should see the effect right away in the middle!


When you are done modifying you need to re-save the GUI using save-as, as the GUI Editor can only make an all-in-one XML file, it CANNOT save back into the individual GUI XML files!

Once you are done saving, you should either copy the resulting GUI file ( it has an ui_ prefix in the filename ) to your Ryzom data directory which is already added as a recursive search path, or you should add your project directory as a search path in the OVQT settings.


Adding the created / modified GUI files to Ryzom:

As previously mentioned the GUI XML files are defined in batches in client-default.cfg.
You can just change the batch related to the login screen and then Ryzom should load your modified / created GUI.


For example:
If you modify the following part


XMLLoginInterfaceFiles = {


XMLLoginInterfaceFiles = {

AND you place ui_mylogin.xml somewhere in the data directory of Ryzom, it will load ui_mylogin.xml instead of the original login GUI.