Kaetemi's Manuals

Kaetemi's Manuals

These manuals are provided by Kaetemi.

They specifically cover a standardized setup and are kept up to date with the active code base.

The manuals are not part of the wiki, as experience has shown that the wiki is too volatile and starts mixing up too many different setup possibilities.


Ryzom Core: OverviewTo be announced
Ryzom Core: Server compilation on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bithttps://dl.kaetemi.be/ryzom/rc_server_ubuntu_005.pdf
Ryzom Core: Compiling Client on Windows 7 with MinGWMinGW
Ryzom Core: Compiling Tools on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2008To be announced
Ryzom Core: Building game datahttps://dl.kaetemi.be/ryzom/rc_gamedata_011.pdf
Ryzom Core: Deploying Web Services on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bitTo be announced

Ryzom Core: Shard deployment using Patchman

Ryzom Core: Client deploymentTo be announced