Building Ryzom MFC Tools with VS Express

Building Ryzom MFC Tools with VS Express

Using DDK

Tutorial based on a deprecated tutorial i found

Step 1 - Install Visual C++ Express

Step 2 - Download Windows Driver Kit


Step 3 - Install Windows Driver Kit

Check the first checkbox (Build Environment, Documentation, Tools for Driver Developers)

Step 4 - Add includes and libraries in Visual C++ Express

Replace WinDDK_folder by the folder where you installed Windows Driver Kit

"Options" > "Tools" > "Projects and Solutions" > "VC++ Directories" > "Include files" 
Add WinDDK_folder \inc\mfc42
Add WinDDK_folder \inc\atl71 (atl folder might change depending on Windows Driver Kit Version)

"Options" > "Tools" > "Projects and Solutions" > "VC++ Directories" > "Library files" 
Add WinDDK_folder \lib\mfc\i386
Add WinDDK_folder \lib\atl\i386

That's all folks!

Using Visual Studio trial

Step 1 - Install Visual C++ Express

Step 2 - Download Visual Studio 2008 Trial


Step 3 - Install Visual Studio 2008 Trial

Step 4 - Copy atlmfc folder to another location

Step 5 - Uninstall Visual Studio 2008 Trial

Step 6 - Configure MFC paths in CMake