Various Entity Game Service Settings

Various Entity Game Service Settings

Edit the default value in entities_game_service_default.cfg (if existing), or add it to entities_game_service.cfg

Players' bag max bulk

MaxPlayerBulk = X;

where X is equal to the desire bulk x 1000.

For example :
If you want a bulk of 500, you will set MaxPlayerBulk to 500000.

Players' bag max weight

BaseMaxCarriedWeight = X;

where X is equal to the desire weight in grammes.

For example :
If you want a weight of 500kg, you will set BaseMaxCarriedWeight to 500000.

Latency between two spells

PostCastLatency = X;

where X is equal to the desire latency in ticks.

For example :
If you don't want any latency, you will set PostCastLatency to 0.