Road Map
Road Map
Moiling Mektoub - v0.9
The goal in Moiling Mektoub is to complete our functional port of the Ryzom Core platform to work on Windows, Mac and Linux. The product of this milestone will be the client and server functioning on all three platforms and the basic foundation for all of the content authoring tools to run on all three platforms.
You can see the milestone status here: Moiling Mektoub
Running Rendor - v1.0
The goal in Running Rendor is to complete the port and modernization of our core content editing tools using the foundation provided in version 0.9. We will complete the port of the following tools to the new tool framework:
- World Editor (including the Landscape Editor)
- Georges Editor
- Tile Editor
Additionally we will provide the ability for the platform to run out of the box:
- Fully encapsulated and able to run on its own set of sheets.
- Able to generate a full client from source and build pipeline.
- Minimized asset database providing the essentials.
You can see the milestone status here: Running Rendor
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