Converting Assets to COLLADA

Converting Assets to COLLADA


Use this script to "fix" the asset in 3ds max.
Converts the NeLMaterial into a StandardMaterial
so that the exporter can make sense of it.

fn fix_texture_file_name t =
    if t == undefined then return "unknown.png" 
    return "c:/database/textures/" + (getFilenameFile (filenameFromPath t)) + ".png" 

fn find_nel_bitmap_texture t =
-- we should log the textures we skip here
    if (t.bitmap1FileName != "") then return t.bitmap1FileName
    if (t.bitmap2FileName != "") then return t.bitmap2FileName
    if (t.bitmap3FileName != "") then return t.bitmap3FileName
    if (t.bitmap4FileName != "") then return t.bitmap4FileName
    if (t.bitmap5FileName != "") then return t.bitmap5FileName
    if (t.bitmap6FileName != "") then return t.bitmap6FileName
    if (t.bitmap7FileName != "") then return t.bitmap7FileName
    if (t.bitmap8FileName != "") then return t.bitmap8FileName
    return "unknown.png" 

fn fix_bitmap_texture t =
    local bt
    if classof t == NelBitmapTexture then
        bt = BitmapTexture()
        bt.filename = find_nel_bitmap_texture t
        bt.filename = fix_texture_file_name bt.filename
        return bt
    else if classof t == BitmapTexture then
        t.filename = fix_texture_file_name t.filename
    return t

fn fix_material t =
    local m
    local i
    if classof t == NelMaterial then
        m = StandardMaterial()
        m.twoSided = t.bTwoSided
        m.ambient = t.cAmbient
        m.diffuse = t.cDiffuse
        m.opacity = t.pOpacity
        m.specular = t.cSpecular
        m.specularLevel = t.pSpecularLevel
        m.glossiness = t.pGlossiness
        m.selfIllumColor = t.cSelfIllumColor
        m.selfIllumAmount = t.pSelfIllumAmount
        m.useSelfIllumColor = t.bUseSelfIllumColor
        -- if t.bAlphaTest then print "alpha-test" 
        m.diffuseMap = fix_bitmap_texture t.tTexture_1
        m.specularMap = fix_bitmap_texture t.tTexture_2
        return m
    else if classof t == MultiMaterial then
        for i = 1 to t.count do
            t[i] = fix_material t[i]
        return t
    return t

fn kill_nel_mats =
    local g, m
    for g in geometry do
        g.material = fix_material g.material

fn fix_asset =
    unfreeze geometry

    actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021"  -- Selection: Select All
    actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
    actionMan.executeAction 0 "63508"  -- Views: Standard Display with Maps
    actionMan.executeAction 0 "40043"  -- Selection: Select None


For batch conversion, just loop through the max files and use
exportFile "foo.dae" using:OpenCOLLADAExporter