AI Event Action Set Timer

AI Event Action Set Timer

set_timer_t0 through set_timer_t3

Setup one of the groups four available timers.

Timer can be set with duration, with a Ryzom Core day hour and minute (daytime), with a day of week, month or year and daytime.

All times below, except in game ticks, are based on Ryzom Core internal game time and has no relationship to real world dates or times. See Ryzom Core Time Units for more information on how time is divided in Ryzom Core.



For duration, time in game ticks, 10 per second:
<timer min>
[<time max>]

For Ryzom Core daytime, time is daytime, 24 hours, 60 min:

daytime <hour>[:<minute>]

If the time is after 23h59, then the timer is set for the next day. E.g. 36h25 mean 12h25 the next day.

For week_day, time in day of the week [0-6] and daytime, 24 hours, 60 min:

week_day <week_day> <hour>[:<minute>]

If the week day is after 6, then the timer is set for the next week. E.g. 8 mean 2nd day of the next week.


For month_day, time in day of the month [0-29] and daytime, 24 hours, 60 min:

month_day <month_day> <hour>[:<minute>] 

If the month day is after 29, then the timer is set for the next month. E.g. 38 mean 8th day of the next month.


For season_day, time in day of the season [0-89] and daytime, 24 hours, 60 min):

season_day <season_day> <hour>[:<minute>]

NB: if the season day is after 89, then the timer is set for the next season. E.g. 98 mean 8th day of the next season.


For year_day number [0-359] and daytime, 24 hours, 60 min:

year_day <day_number> <hour>[:<minute>]

If the year day is after 359, then the timer is set for the next year. E.g. 400 mean 40th day of the next season.