Installing Luabind

Installing Luabind

Available Source Code Locations

The guides below give more specific recommendations but here is a list of the available source code locations.

Installing Luabind on Mac OS X

Since luabind is not available from macports you need to install it separately. Here follows a short summary of how to install luabind on Mac OS X.

Downloading the source code

hg clone http://hg.kervala.net/luabind
hg clone http://hg.kervala.net/cmake

export CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$(pwd)/cmake/modules

Building the source code

Be sure to build a static library. Strange errors might occur otherwise. (see #1212)
This is done in cmake with the switch WITH_STATIC set to ON (see below).

Open a terminal and write the following lines, assuming you downloaded the file as described above:

cd luabind
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DWITH_SHARED=OFF -DWITH_STATIC=ON -G "Unix Makefiles" ..

Installing the binaries

sudo make install

When the command has executed successfully the installation is complete.

Installing Luabind on Linux...

Certain Linux Distributions does not provide luabind so here follows a short summary how to install luabind on a Unix like system.

Installing lua

To build luabind, you need liblua. Install it:

sudo port install lua

On Ubuntu 10.04:
sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev
On CentOS 5+

yum install lua-devel

Getting the source

While writing this, the most current version is 0.9. Get it!

On Linux:

wget http://sunet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/luabind/luabind/0.9/luabind-0.9.tar.gz
Alternativly, you can take the source on Kervala's repository

Here is a clone on bitbucket:

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/rti/ryzom-core-luabind
That version includes a cmake config and allows to build a debian package.

Extract the source

tar zxf luabind-0.9.tar.gz

Building and installing

All CMake platforms

If you downloaded sources from http://hg.kervala.net/packaging/file/ or https://bitbucket.org/rti/ryzom-core-luabind/src, you just need to type

cd luabind
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

# with STLport, append: -DWITH_STLPORT=ON
# in static, append: -DWITH_STATIC=ON

sudo make install

On Ubuntu 10.04

install boost build:

sudo apt-get install boost-build libboost-dev
and compile / install with the following command:

sudo bjam --prefix=/usr/local install

On Gentoo

if boost-build package is not installed:

sudo emerge boost-build -av
and compile /install with the following command: (replace 1_41 by your version of bjam)

sudo bjam-1_41 --prefix=/usr/local install

check if lib is named correctly.
ls /usr/local/lib/libluabind*.so

if lib is named libluabindd.so create a symlink
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libluabindd.so /usr/local/lib/libluabind.so

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