AI Movement Wander

AI Movement Wander


Wander activity.

The NPC will wander in the zone defined by the npc_zone geometry. Wandering consists of moving to a random point inside the zone, an idle wait of a random period of time, and then repeating the process.

The default timer is a random number between 50 and 100 ticks (i.e. 5 to 10 seconds).

Default timer value is configurable in the AI Service config file but the timer can be configured in the profile parameter with the optional parameters listed below. 

Optionally, you can also flag this wander as foraging by adding the optional parameter 'foraging'. If you set the foraging mode, then the timer parameters are no longer used.

Optional parameters :

[[wait min : <delay>]
[wait max : <delay>]]

Optional parameters are typically passed in via the AI Profile Parameters box.