Configuring and running Ryzom Core server on GNU/Linux

Preparing Packages

For Debian/Ubuntu users you will need to install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql php5-gd rrdtool


Making changes in services config files

If your frontend service is available through a firewall using NAT and a mapped IP address this is how you can advertise that external IP address. For example if your FS is on internally but your firewall maps through to your FS you would want to configure FSListenHost to be the address the clients connect to:



Configuring Apache and web tools

For current Ubuntu versions you can just edit the file default in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ - substituting what is listed below for what is already there. It may be helpful to break this into multiple site configuration files but isn't necesasry.

Don't forget to change the paths used below to match where your source is checked out!

Listen 40916
<VirtualHost *:40916>
  <Directory "/home/username/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/">
     Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
     IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=*
     AllowOverride All
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
  ServerAdmin admin@localhost
  DocumentRoot /home/username/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/www
  ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
  <Directory "/home/username/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/">
     Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
     IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=*
     AllowOverride All
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
  ServerAdmin admin@localhost
  # You can change this if you want.
  DocumentRoot /home/username/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/admin
  # Admin Tool
  Alias /admin/ /home/username/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/admin
  ServerName localhost 

You can place these into the same configuration file or separately, it's up to you. If you want to serve up some unique content, a signup page or something along those lines you can change the main website's DocumentRoot so long as the admin tool alias is still there.

In order to execute system commands like restarting services you will need to be able to log in as root or execute the command using sudo, e.g.:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
mkdir -p code/ryzom/server/save_shard/rrd_graphs/
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/graphs_output
$LogRelativePath = 'logs/';
mkdir -p code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/logs/
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/logs/
cd code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/templates/
cp -r default default_c
chmod a+w default_c


Setting up MySQL

The configuration files in code/ryzom/server expect your user to be named 'shard' with NO PASSWORD. If you decide to use a different name for your MySQL user, or assign it a password, you will need to go through the .cfg files and change these values from 'shard' and "" wherever they appear. (they appear in several of the .cfg files)

Since this (and a password) can lead to unexpected errors (eg. error '4000') it is best to make sure everything works correctly with the defaults first.

If you are getting strange errors some config files may have Windows editor "control-M" endline characters, which appears as a blue ^M in vim. You can remove it with this vi command, noting that ^M is typed by pressing Ctrl+V followed by Ctrl+M:

find /home/username/ryzom/code -name "*.cfg" -name "*.php" | xargs grep -l '^M'
# if there are none, Vim will gladly eat your shell if you xargs it
vi <listed filename> 
# Next issue this command to vi :%s/^M//g


You may also skip this section and use the next section entitled "Setting up MySQL (Alternative)". It condenses all the steps listed below into a pre-generated MySQL file that you import.

SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name='sql_mode';
SET @@global.sql_mode= '';
* Login to the MySQL database server using the command line:

mysql -uroot -p

GRANT ALL ON nel.* TO shard@localhost;
GRANT ALL ON nel_tool.* TO shard@localhost;
GRANT ALL ON ring_open.* TO shard@localhost;


If you use different usernames and password for database, you need to change the following files: 

  • code/ryzom/server/sql.cfg
  • code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/config.php
  • code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/config.php
cat code/ryzom/tools/server/sql/ryzom_tables.sql | mysql -ushard
cat code/ryzom/tools/server/sql/ryzom_default_data.sql | mysql -ushard
cat code/ryzom/tools/server/sql/ryzom_admin_default_data.sql | mysql -ushard nel_tool
USE nel_tool;
UPDATE neltool_domains SET domain_as_host='YOUR_ADDRESS' where domain_id=12;
< Kaetemi> and only the SU, FS and web services should have a public ip, the other should be behind private for security reasons :)

Setting up MySQL (Alternative)

Use the Quick Start SQL Setup Script

Edit the file and replace the following path with your own:


Import in phpMyAdmin.


Running the shard

From location: /home/user/ryzom/code run:

cp ./build/bin/ryzom_admin_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/ryzom_admin_service/ryzom_admin_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_ai_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/ai_service/ai_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_backup_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/backup_service/backup_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_dynamic_scenario_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/dynamic_scenario_service/dynamic_scenario_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_entities_game_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/entities_game_service/entities_game_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_frontend_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/frontend_service/frontend_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_gpm_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/gpm_service/gpm_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_ios_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/input_output_service/input_output_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_log_analyser_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/log_analyser_service/log_analyser_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_logger_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/logger_service/logger_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_mail_forum_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/mail_forum_service/mail_forum_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_mirror_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/mirror_service/mirror_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_naming_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/ryzom_naming_service/ryzom_naming_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_pd_support_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/pd_support_service/pd_support_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_persistant_data_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/persistant_data_service/persistant_data_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_reference_builder_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/pd_reference_builder/pd_reference_builder
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_session_browser_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/session_browser_server/session_browser_server
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_shard_unifier_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/shard_unifier_service/shard_unifier_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_tick_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/tick_service/tick_service
cp ./build/bin/ryzom_welcome_service $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/ryzom_welcome_service/ryzom_welcome_service


export PATH=$PATH:$RYZOM_PATH/tools/scripts/linux
shard start

and of course to stop services:

shard stop 

You should now have 20 Ryzom Core services running. You can monitor each running service using screen by:

momentarily pressing "ctrl" and "a" together and then press "n" to cycle through.


Client login errors



If you want to use your shard with the core client, you will have to copy the following file into code/ryzom/common/data_common: