Building land created with the world editor using the build pipeline ( WIP )
This article is the sequel to CreatingNewLand, it explains how to build the land you created using the build pipeline.
1. Setup
a.) Go to R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace\continents and create a new sub-directory with the same name as your land.
b.) Copy all the .py and .cfg files from R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace\continents\newbieland to this new sub-directory.
c.) Change all references to "newbieland" in those files to your land's name ( you can for example mass replace the word "newbieland" ).
d.) Open with an editor.
e.) Find the line "ZoneRegions += [ [ "65_bz" ] + [ "77_cs" ] ]" and change the "65_bz" and "77_cs" values to the zone values you wrote down in the previous howto in II.2.f.) Remember to type lowercase letters!
f.) Find the lines "RbankZoneUl = "65_BZ" and "RbankZoneDr = "77_CS". Change the values to the same as above, but with uppercase!
g.) Open properties_base.cfg with an editor.
h.) Find the option "sun_center" and change the coordinates to your land's center coordinates in the world editor.
i.) Go to R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace and open with an editor.
j.) Find and duplicate the line starting with "ProjectsToProcess += [ "continents/newbieland" ] ". The duplicate must come after the original one.
k.) Edit the duplicate, change the word "newbieland" to your land's name.
l.) Find and duplicate the lines
InstallShardDataCollisionsDirectories += [ "newbieland_ai" ] InstallShardDataCollisionsDirectories += [ "newbieland_ig" ] InstallShardDataCollisionsDirectories += [ "newbieland_pacs" ]
( they must come after the original ones )
m.) Edit the duplicate, change all the words "newbieland" to your land's name.
o.) Find and duplicate the lines
ICNewbieland = { } ICNewbieland["Name"] = "newbieland" ICNewbieland["UnpackTo"] = None ICNewbieland["IsOptional"] = 1 ICNewbieland["IsIncremental"] = 1 ICNewbieland["Packages"] = [ ] ICNewbieland["Packages"] += [ [ "newbieland_zones", [ ] ] ] ICNewbieland["Packages"] += [ [ "newbieland_shapes", [ ] ] ] ICNewbieland["Packages"] += [ [ "newbieland_pacs", [ ] ] ] ICNewbieland["Packages"] += [ [ "newbieland_maps", [ ] ] ] ICNewbieland["Packages"] += [ [ "newbieland_ig", [ ] ] ] InstallClientData += [ ICNewbieland ]
( the duplicate must come after the original )
p.) Edit the duplicates, change all the words "newbieland" and "Newbieland", to your land's name.
q.) Copy the "zoneligos" and "zones" subdirectories from R:\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\continents\newbieland to W:\Database\Landscape\ligo\jungle
r.) Copy your .land file from R:\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\continents\<landname> directory to W:\Database\Landscape\ligo\jungle
s.) Run R:\code\nel\tools\build_gamedata\ so the pipeline can set up the new project for the new land
1a.) Moving Executables
To successfuly build the data, a couple of executable files must be copied.
Copy the following files from R:\code\build\bin\Release to R:\code\nel\tools\build_gamedata
If certain files do not end with _r.exe, add it yourself.
ai_build_wmap_r.exe anim_builder_r.exe bnp_maker_r.exe build_clod_bank_r.exe build_coldtex_r.exe build_coarse_mesh_r.exe build_far_bank_r.exe build_ig_boxes_r.exe build_indoor_rbank_r.exe build_interface_r.exe build_rbank_r.exe build_shadow_skin_r.exe exec_timeout_r.exe get_neighbors_r.exe hls_bank_make_r.exe ig_add_r.exe ig_elevation_r.exe ig_lighter_r.exe lightmap_optimizer_r.exe make_sheet_id_r.exe (This file can be found inside the make_sheet folder) panoply_maker_r.exe prim_export_r.exe tga_cut_r.exe tga2dds_r.exe zone_dependencies_r.exe zone_ig_lighter_r.exe zone_lighter_r.exe zone_welder_r.exe
Then you will have to do a search for the following files are copy them to the same folder listed above.
ai_build_wmap.cfg bnp-make-frontend.cfg build_ig_boxes.cfg build_indoor_rbank.cfg build_rbank.cfg ig_elevation.cfg make_sheet_id.cfg prim_export.cfg properties.cfg zone_lighter.cfg
2.) Building
a.) Run R:\code\nel\tools\build_gamedata\ ( this is gonna take a long while ).
You may now move on to Installing land built with the pipeline (WIP)