Configuring and running Ryzom Core Web Services on GNU/Linux

Preparing Packages

For Debian/Ubuntu users you will need to install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql php5-gd rrdtool screen


Create a public web directory and point a VHost to it.

Point a second VHost to the same directory with port 40916


Upload the following to your public web directory of your PHP host


Upload the following to a private directory accessible by your PHP host



Run the following script and follow the instructions


This script will create a config.php under the public php directory, and set up the nel, nel_tool and ams databases.


Additional Notes

In order to execute system commands like restarting services you will need to be able to log in as root or execute the command using sudo, e.g.:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/graphs_output
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/templates/default_c
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/logs
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/html/cache
chmod a+w code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/html/templates_c


Setting up MySQL

The configuration files in

  • code/ryzom/server
  • code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/config.default.php
  • code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/config.php
  • code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/config.php

expect your user to be named 'shard' with NO PASSWORD. If you decide to use a different name for your MySQL user, or assign it a password, you will need to go through the files and change these values from 'shard' and "" wherever they appear. (they appear in several .cfg files)

Since this (and a password) can lead to unexpected errors (eg. error '4000') it is best to make sure everything works correctly with the defaults first.

If you are getting strange errors some config files may have Windows editor "control-M" endline characters, which appears as a blue ^M in vim. You can remove it with this vi command, noting that ^M is typed by pressing Ctrl+V followed by Ctrl+M:

find /home/username/ryzom/code -name "*.cfg" -name "*.php" | xargs grep -l '^M'   # if there are none, Vim will gladly eat your shell if you xargs it vi <listed filename>   # Next issue this command to vi :%s/^M//g



Running MySQL Auto Install

Ryzom AMS now includes auto install scripts for the mysql database, all you have to do is load your DocumentRoot on port 80 that was setup above, for example

A page will load that looks like the below, type in your mysql root user/pass.

 The installer will by default setup permissions for the user "shard" if you want to use a different user you will need to run the below sql statements.

GRANT ALL ON nel.* TO newuser@localhost; GRANT ALL ON nel_tool.* TO newuser@localhost; GRANT ALL ON ring_open.* TO newuser@localhost; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;