Object Viewer Qt info

The Object Viewer Qt (ovqt) is a cross-platform tool for working with graphics technology NeL data, which can be useful during the development and preparation of the game content.
The tool can be used in different tasks:

At present has the following plug-ins:

Video tutorials: 

Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Landscape Editor


Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Landscape Editor

Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Particles Editor

Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Landscape, vegetset, IG


Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Viewing Shapes and Animation


Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Particle System Texture Animation


Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Landscape Viewer with Vegetation


Ryzom Core: Object Viewer Qt - Particle System Demo

How to build qt lib with stlport on windows

Qt Lib STLport on Windows