Table of Contents |
Linux Console Commands
0 AvailableHDSpace: Hard drive space left in bytes
1 AvailablePhysicalMemory: Physical memory available on this computer in bytes
2 Bench : 1 if benching 0 if not
3 CPUIOWaitLoad : Get instant CPU IO wait load of the server
4 CPULoad : Get instant CPU load of the server
5 CPUNiceLoad : Get instant CPU nice processes load of the server
6 CPUSytemLoad : Get instant CPU system load of the server
7 CPUUserLoad : Get instant CPU user load of the server
8 CompilationDate: date of the compilation (string)
9 CompilationMode: mode of the compilation (string)
10 ConfigDirectory: directory where config files are
11 ConvertSaveFilesDirectoryToFullPath: If true (default), the provided SaveFilesDirectory will be converted to a full path (ex: saves -> /home/dir/saves)
12 DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize: If receiving more than this value in bytes, the connection will be dropped
13 DefaultMaxSentBlockSize: If sending more than this value in bytes, the program may be stopped
14 DisableNLDebug : Disables generation and output of nldebug logs (no code associated with the log generation is executed)
15 FlushSendingQueuesOnExit: Flag to enable/disable the flushing of the sending queues when the service is shut down
16 FlushSendsBeforeSleep: If true, send buffers will be flushed before sleep, not in next update
17 L5CallbackCount: The number of layer 5 callback received in the last loop
18 L5CallbackTime : Time passed in the L5 callback function in the last loop (in ms)
19 L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues: Number of bytes pending in send queues (postponed by non-blocking send()) for network congestion monitoring. N/A if FlushSendsBeforeSleep disabled)
20 LaunchingDate : date of the launching of the program
21 ListeningPort : listening port for this service
22 LogDirectory : directory where the service is logging
23 MaxTCPPacketSize: Maximum size of TCP packets created by cumulating small packets
24 MeanCPUIOWaitLoad: Get instant CPU IO wait load of the server
25 MeanCPULoad : Get instant CPU load of the server
26 MeanCPUNiceLoad: Get instant CPU nice processes load of the server
27 MeanCPUSytemLoad: Get instant CPU system load of the server
28 MeanCPUUserLoad: Get instant CPU user load of the server
29 MeanProcessLoad: Get instant CPU load of the process/service
30 MeanProcessSystemLoad: Get instant CPU system load of the process/service
31 MeanProcessUserLoad: Get instant CPU user load of the process/service
32 NamesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending: If FlushSendingQueuesOnExit is on, only the sending queues to these specified services will be flushed (ex: "WS:LS"; all will be flushed if empty string)
33 NbClientReceiveTask: Number of client receive thread (uint32)
34 NbNetworkTask : Number of server and client thread (uint32)
35 NbServerListenTask: Number of server listen thread (uint32)
36 NbServerReceiveTask: Number of server receive thread (uint32)
37 NbUserUpdate : number of time the user IService::update() called (uint32)
38 NetSpeedLoop : duration of the last network loop (in ms)
39 OS : OS used
40 PeakCPUIOWaitLoad: Get instant CPU IO wait load of the server
41 PeakCPULoad : Get instant CPU load of the server
42 PeakCPUNiceLoad: Get instant CPU nice processes load of the server
43 PeakCPUSytemLoad: Get instant CPU system load of the server
44 PeakCPUUserLoad: Get instant CPU user load of the server
45 PeakProcessLoad: Get instant CPU load of the process/service
46 PeakProcessSystemLoad: Get instant CPU system load of the process/service
47 PeakProcessUserLoad: Get instant CPU user load of the process/service
48 ProcessLoad : Get instant CPU load of the process/service
49 ProcessSystemLoad: Get instant CPU system load of the process/service
50 ProcessUsedMemory: Memory used by this process in bytes
51 ProcessUserLoad: Get instant CPU user load of the process/service
52 ReceiveQueueSize: current size in bytes of all receive queues
53 ReceivedBytes : total of bytes received by this service
54 RunningDirectory: directory where the service is running on
55 SaveFilesDirectory: directory where to save specific shard information (shard time for example)
56 Scroller : current size in bytes of the sent queue size
57 SendQueueSize : current size in bytes of all send queues
58 SentBytes : total of bytes sent by this service
59 ShardId : Get value of shardId set for this particular service
60 ShutdownRequestFileName: name of the file to use for shutdown requests
61 State : Set this value to 0 to shutdown the service and 1 to start the service
62 TotalCallbackCalled: Total callback called number on layer 5 (uint32)
63 TotalPhysicalMemory: Total physical memory on this computer in bytes
64 UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout: in millisecond, timeout before thread assertion
65 Uptime : time from the launching of the program
66 UseYieldMethod : 0=select 1=usleep 2=nanosleep 3=sched_yield 4=none
67 UserSpeedLoop : duration of the last user loop (in ms)
68 VerboseLNETL0 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 0 operations
69 VerboseLNETL1 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 1 operations
70 VerboseLNETL2 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 2 operations
71 VerboseLNETL3 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 3 operations
72 VerboseLNETL4 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 4 operations
73 VerboseLNETL5 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 5 operations
74 VerboseLNETL6 : Enable verbose logging in Network Layer 6 operations
75 VerboseNETTC : Enable verbose logging in CTransportClass operations
76 Version : Version of the shard
77 WriteFilesDirectory: directory where to save generic shard information (packed_sheets for example)
78 addNegativeFilterDebug: add a negative filter on DebugLog
79 addNegativeFilterInfo: add a negative filter on InfoLog
80 addNegativeFilterWarning: add a negative filter on WarningLog
81 addPositiveFilterDebug: add a positive filter on DebugLog
82 addPositiveFilterInfo: add a positive filter on InfoLog
83 addPositiveFilterWarning: add a positive filter on WarningLog
84 brutalQuit : exit the service brutally
85 btohr : Convert a bytes number into an human readable number
86 displayConfigFile: display the variables of the default configfile
87 displayFilterDebug: display filter on DebugLog
88 displayFilterInfo: display filter on InfoLog
89 displayFilterWarning: display filter on WarningLog
90 displayInformations: displays all admin informations
91 displayInstanceCounter: display the instance counters
92 displayMeasures: display hierarchical timer
93 displayMemlog : displays the last N line of the log in memory
94 getUnknownConfigFileVariables: display the variables from config file that are called but not present
95 getView : send a view and receive an array as result
96 getWinDisplayerInfo: display the info about the pos and size of the window displayer
97 help : display help on a specific variable/commands or on all variables and commands
98 hrtob : Convert a human readable number into a bytes number
99 iFileAccessLogClear: Clear file access logs
100 iFileAccessLogDisplay: Display file access logs
101 iFileAccessLogStart: Start file access logging
102 iFileAccessLogStop: Stop file access logging
103 initModuleManager: force the initialisation of the module manager
104 isServiceLocal : Says if a service is local or not compare with this service
105 killProgram : kill a program given the pid
106 l5Callback : Displays all callback registered in layer5
107 l5InternalTables: Displays internal table of network layer5
108 l5QueuesStats : Displays queues stats of network layer5
109 launchProgram : Execute the command line using launcProgram() function call (launch in background task without waiting the end of the execution)
110 msgin : Simulate an input message from another service (ex: msgin 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)
111 msgout : Send a message to a specified service (ex: msgout 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)
112 quit : exit the service
113 removeFilterDebug: remove a filter on DebugLog
114 removeFilterInfo: remove a filter on InfoLog
115 removeFilterWarning: remove a filter on WarningLog
116 resetFilters : disable all filters on Nel loggers
117 resetInstanceCounterDelta: reset the delta value for instance counter
118 resetMeasures : reset hierarchical timer
119 serviceInfo : display information about this service
120 services : displays registered services
121 sleep : Freeze the service for N seconds (for debug purpose)
122 stohr : Convert a second number into an human readable time
123 system : Execute the command line using system() function call (wait until the end of the command)
124 varPath : Test a varpath (for debug purpose)
CAdminService :