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Table of Contents

Work with creature sheets


Basically, there are three sets of files...
- Creature files : they define shape, size, stats, loot etc.
- Attack files : a set of files that define the attacks the creature has (AI)
- Anim files : these define the animations for the creature.
If you use animations that are meant for a different creature, the results
can be anything from garbadge to hillariously funny.


The creature files:

- _dag.creature : parent to _dag_for.creature, this defines the entire race
- _dag_for.creature : parent to creature, in this case, for every dag creature that's forest based
- chdfa1.creature : the creature itself
- dag_light_slashing_chest.item : this contains the actual shape definition amongst others


&lt;PARENT Filename="_creature_armor.item"/&gt;           <-- default xreature armor info
&lt;STRUCT Name="basics"&gt;
&lt;STRUCT Name="EquipmentInfo"&gt;
&lt;ARRAY Name="EquipmentSlots"&gt;
&lt;ATOM Name="chest" Value="Chest"/&gt; <-- the armor slot to be equipped
&lt;STRUCT Name="armor"&gt;
&lt;ATOM Name="Armor category" Value="light"/&gt; <-- type of armor (l/m/h)
&lt;STRUCT Name="3d"&gt;
&lt;ATOM Name="shape" Value="TR_MO_Dag.shape"/&gt; <-- the shape of your creature!!


Anim files:

for the animations there's a whole set of files.


The files have structs for all sorts of modes, like idle, eat, attack, death...
Each struct defines the different animations a creature can do when in that specific mode.
Each creature has different animations. It is possible to use animations for a different creature,
but unless both use the same skeleton file, the results may be less than impressive. In some cases
the creature ends up unrecognizably maimed. Tha animations also define how high the creature is
above the ground. Using the wrong animations can cause a creature to be underground of float above it.
If you are editing a creature to make a new one: you can leave out animations in a mode if the
new creature has less animations that suit this mode. Or you can use an animation a few times, to
increase the odds this animation is used in the specific mode.


Attack files

I didn't change these files. An attack list defines what AI attack actions your creature can do..
